CredentialMed Canada Inc. Data Collection and Storage Privacy Statement
We are committed to providing superior service, maintaining excellent security systems and processes to safeguard the information that we collect, use and disclose. CredentialMed Canada Inc. collects only information required to perform our services, in facilitating independent medical examination professional relationships between assessors and our select Canadian based IME affiliates. Data is retained solely with this purpose; we do not sell or otherwise market personal information.
Our security procedures and privacy policy ensure the protection and integrity of personal information. All data is preserved whole and complete, maintaining the condition in which data is identical during any operation; such as retrieval, storage, transfer, and destruction. CredentialMed Canada Inc. affiliates will individually as applicable per relationship, provide statement of their respective Privacy Policy pertaining to personal information and examination related health information, documentation, reports, and operational procedures prior to commencing professional relations.
All data collected by CredentialMed Canada Inc. is retained in our Canadian cloud based storage environment. CredentialMed Canada Inc. and all affiliates have achieved SOC 2 Type 2 status in Canada, ensuring secure and stable private storage. CredentialMed Canada Inc. and our affiliates support industry rules for the protection of privacy in accordance with federal and provincial personal and health information laws; as follows:
PIPEDA: Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
S.C. 2000, c. 5 (Federal)
PHIPA: Personal Health Information Privacy Act, 2004
S.O. 2004, c. 3, Sched. A (Ontario)
PHIPAA: Personal Health Information Privacy and Access Act
S.N.B. 2009, c. P-7.05 (New Brunswick)
PHIA-NL: Personal Health Information Act
S.N.L. 2008, c. P-7.01 (Newfoundland and Labrador)
PHIA-NS: Personal Health Information Act
S.N.S. 2010, c 41 (Nova Scotia)
PIPA-BC: Personal Information Protection Act
S.B.C. 2003, c. 63 (British Columbia)
PIPA-AB: Personal Information Protection Act
S.A. 2003, c. P-6.5 (Alberta)
PPIPS: Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the
Private Sector, R.S.Q., c.P-39.1 (Quebec)
Last updated January, 2024